
The Minister of State, with responsibility for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy remit includes promoting healthier lifestyles and policies to improve people’s health in Ireland. A National Oversight Committee, chaired by the Minister with responsibility for the national drugs strategy, meets quarterly to support the implementation of the strategy. A Standing Sub-Committee of the National Oversight Committee drives the implementation of the strategy and promotes coordination between national, local and regional levels.

The SICDATF is a multi-sectoral committee, chaired by an independent person, comprising representatives from a range of relevant agencies, such as the HSE, the Gardaí, training boards, and local authorities, as well as elected public representatives and voluntary and community sector representatives. The  SICDATF report to the Drugs Policy Unit,  HSE Addiction Services and the CDYSETB (the two funding channels governing the funding and the SICDATF)

The Task Force structure is intended to facilitate the development of effective, targeted, local responses by utilising the knowledge and experience of all sectors in designing and delivering those services and facilitating the improved coordination of service provision. Encouraging a more diverse stakeholder involvement in the Task Force will shape the development of quality service provision in line with the National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare, improve support for people using the services, and continue building community partnerships.

The SICDATF and its sub-committee structure bring together members from the community, voluntary and statutory sectors, elected representatives, and key interest groups to develop and coordinate a collective inter-agency response to drug and alcohol use in South Inner City. This partnership work is carried out under key goals as identified in the National Drug & Alcohol Strategy, Reducing Harm Supporting Recovery, A health-led response to drug & alcohol use in Ireland 2017-2025.