Other Services

Other project links

  1. RIngsend and Irishtown community centre Home Page – https://ricc.ie
  2. Solas Project – https://solasproject.com/
  3. Building Community Resilience – bcrproject.ie
  4. Dublin South Central Community Safety Forums website – https://dscforums.ie
  5. Janes Place – https://mqi.ie/get-help/womens-services/

Other Helpful Numbers

  1. AWARE [Depression and Anxiety] 1800 804848
  2. GROW [Support group for adults with mental health problems] 1890 474474
  3. HSE National Information Helpline 1850 241850
  4. Irish Advocacy Network [Mental Health] 01 8728684
  5. LGBTI Helpline 1890 929539
  6. Mental Help Ireland 01 2841166
  7. Alone [Elderly support] 01 6791032
  8. Pieta House 1800247247
  9. Anam Cara [Parental & Sibling Bereavement Support] 01 4045378
  10. Rutland Centre 01 494 6358
  11. Samaritans 1850 60 9090
  12. Dublin Rape Crisis Centre 01 6614911/1800778888
  13. Crimestoppers 1800250025
  14. Garda Confidential Helpline 1800666111

Other Helpful Links

  1. https://www.garda.ie/en/crime/drugs/the-drugs-related-intimidation-reporting-programme.html
  2. https://www.na-ireland.org/
  3. https://www.na-ireland.org/
  4. https://ca.org/meetings/ireland/
  5. https://www.smartrecoveryinternational.org/

Mental Health Links

  1. https://suicideorsurvive.ie/
  2. https://www.aware.ie/education/life-skills-online-programme/?utm_source=Social
  3. https://www.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/virtual-recovery-resources.pdf


  1. https://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/
  2. https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/
  3. https://www.tusla.ie/services/family-community-support/guidance-documents/ – link to Meitheal documents including leaflets for parents and children (different languages available)
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp89nsR5jcE – Youtube video that describes Meitheal made by young people
  5. https://www.tusla.ie/get-in-touch/child-and-family-support-network-co-ordinators/ – list of CFSN coordinators
  6. https://www.tusla.ie/services/family-community-support/prevention-partnership-and-family-support-programme/meitheal-national-practice-model/what-are-child-and-family-support-networks-cfsns/ – information about the CFSN’s
  7. https://www.tusla.ie/parenting-24-seven/ – Tusla’s Parenting24 seven – key messages on what works best for children and families at different ages and stages
  8. https://changingfutures.ie/ – Changing Futures, a website for young people made by young people with experience of Tusla services
  9. https://www.tusla.ie/services/ – Link to the services Tusla provide
  10. https://www.tusla.ie/services/family-community-support/tusla-child-and-youth-participation/ – Child and Youth Participation resources
  11. https://www.tusla.ie/services/family-community-support/family-resource-centres/ – link to more information on Family Resource Centre